Friday, July 10, 2015

A day in the life of a stay home mom!

I woke up at 6 AM to put the dog out on her chain, then I came back in and went back to bed.
DG let her back in before he left for work and she went to sleep on the bed. (Bad Chiweenie.)
She woke me up at 8:30. 
I immediately instagrammed it. 

I heard the kids chattering. Rhett was making tractor motor noises and Vivi was jabbering on her made up language that only she and God speak. I changed her with some help from Dobby. 

Rhett was busy trying to get his RC Gator to work. 

Meanwhile, Dobby eyed me knowing she wasn't allowed on the bed. 

I fed Rhett breakfast and drank some skim milk while I fed Vivian. 

I changed Vivi and turned on some Fireman Sam for Rhett. 

I put Vivi in her walker while I did some chores. 
I called our insurance and our wellness screening forms STILL hadn't been faxed in. It was a long wait on the phone.
I figured out that I might need to take care of this myself... so we packed up and headed for Jackson!
(After a few selfies and clothes for everyone.)

We headed to Fred's first to pick up my gallbladder-clearing prescription. Rhett wanted to go to the "party over there with all the smoke".

Then we drove to Jackson. The office was closed so we headed to Target. A super long time ago... like April... Nikki Boatwright bought bought some diapers for her daughter and left them at our house on accident. I kept forgetting to return them and finally her little girl outgrew them. So, we bought some replacement diapers at Target. (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Target brand diapers!)

Then we headed out for BK nuggets. We swung by the clinic, figured everything out, and popped back into the car. I wanted to hit up a McDonald's Playplace and get a Coke but was too lazy to cross traffic. (Hehehe...) So we stopped at the Southside park instead.

We headed back to Bolivar and dropped off the diapers. We visited DG at work...

Then we headed to Nanny and Papa's for cokes and conversation!

Then we headed to Lisa and Jimmy's and I dropped the kids off and went to weed a client's flower bed and pool area.

Those weeds were so high!

I worked until dark and then brought the kids home and put them to bed, took a shower, and worked on this blog post until DG got home around 11.

I'm so into Matt Kearney right now! Check him out!

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